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    Türük Dergisi, 2018 Haziran ayından itibaren senede 4 sayı olarak çıkacaktır. Sayılarımız bundan sonra MART, HAZİRAN, EYLÜL ve ARALIK şeklinde olacaktır. Önümüzdeki ilk sayımız bu doğrultuda Haziran 2018 sayısı olarak çıkacaktır. Değerli çalışmalarınızı dergimize bekler iyi çalışmalar dileriz.


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Turks have been an important part of the world culture for centuries and have made important contributions to it. This rich culture of the Turks is a culture formed by the accumulation for centuries. Turkish folk literature is also a part of this culture, and it is just like a treasure thanks to its various genres. Both Cypriot and Uyghur Turkish folk literatures were nourished and shaped by this deep source of Turkish culture. Literary works emerging within a society not only shed light on the aesthetic understanding of the relevant period, but also perform an important function in the formation of cultural identities, and transfer these identities to the future generations. In this context, tales play a very important role in the literary works. Today, when we look at the different regions of the Turkish world, we can say that even though the distance between them is far in terms of the physical sense, but many things about their cultures are in common. Similar situation also grabs attention in the tales. This study mainly aims to determine and examine the common motifs of these two Turkish dwelling places located at two distant points of the Turkish world. For this purpose, we have tried to identify some common motifs in both Cypriot Turkish folk tales and Uyghur Turkish folk tales, then examine their meanings and origins. It is possible to list some common motifs that we have found in the Cypriot Turkish folk tales and Uyghur Turkish folk tales as follows: Khidr, dream, childlessness, white-bearded old man, iron shoes, transfiguration etc.

Motif, Tale, Cypriot, Uyghur, Turkish Culture

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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