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The songs being the folkloric products of the Tatar literature (manis & cırs) were compiled by Magyar Turkologist Ignac Kunos during the World War I in the captive camps from the captive Tatars in Hungary and Czechoslovakia but these songs could not be published because of the death of Kunos in 1945. The songs which are important output in terms of folklor and philology are introduced by Zsuzka Kakuk in the works prepared in 1970’s & 1980’s. Additionally, these works found the reputation chance via the book titled as “Kırım Tatar Şarkıları (Crimean Tatar Songs)” in Turkey by courtesy of the publication of the Turkish Language Institute (TDK). In this work, an analyse is made on the phonological perspective of the Tatar songs having rich materials for the language research with a philological view from the point of language history. The guidelines of the phonological features of the songs, e.g. sound events, sound-changings, are presented comparatively with the same usages found in Standard Turkey Turkish. Kakuk’s book which was published by TDK is used as base in the work. Also the spellings of the words in Latin script in the book are acknowledged as essential. The sound valuations of the examples are given in this work are arranged according to the notations of the book. The determinations on phonological specialities are examined in two categories: vocals and consonants, in addition the sub-categories are given related to these two categories. For instance, the sound events about the vocals are examined in the vocal category, the sound events about the consonants are examined in the consonant category. The original specialities are emphasised in terms of language history together with the points exemplifying on the development of the Turkish language in the periods of the history.

Crimean, Tatar, songs, phonology, language history

Adres :Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü
Telefon : 03662801947 Faks : -
Eposta : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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