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The personality development of the child starts in the family; the family is the first education center of the child. In the family, the mother and the father have different effects on the child. It’s the mother; begining from the day she gives birth, who satisfies the baby’s need for love and safe, protects baby, is a role model for the baby with her behavior and in his aspect, has the biggest role on the baby’s personality development. However, researches have shown that the father plays an important role in the cognitive, emotional and social development of the child as well as the mother, especially after the age of two. Children who do not communicate correctly with their father are likely to become adults with low self-confidence and academic success and poor social relations. n addition, children with unhealthy communication with their father are likely to experience sexual identity confusion in the future. It is inevitable that the father, who plays such a big role in the life of the child, is often included in children's books. In children's books whose primary purpose is to contribute to the education and personality development of the child, fathers should show their children the truth, should be a role model with their educational and protective qualities as in real life. Sevinç Kuşoğlu, one of the children's book writers, included different father models in her books and wanted to contribute to the development of positive personality traits of the child through these father models. Keywords: Sevinç Kuşoğlu, literatüre, child books, children’s literatüre, father models

Sevinç Kuşoğlu, literatüre, child books, children’s literatüre, father models

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